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ANMOL Aloe Vera Juice (dilute) 12x480g

Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera Barbadensis) is carefully harvested and prepared using only the finest aloe vera leaves. Each is hand sliced to ensure that all of the goodness remains within. The result is a delightfully tasting juice that you can enjoy in its pure natural form, which will contribute to the well being of the body.

ANMOL Amla Juice (dilute) 12x480g

Amla - Anti aging, Potent Rejuvenator & Longevity Enchancer. Basic Ayurveda Amla Gooseberry Juice is rich of natural vitamin C, proven anti-oxient (delays againg process), promotes hair growth and eyesight strengthener, helps in prevention of degenerative diseases, balances excess acids (used commonly as an antiacid), advanced support for heart as well as connective tissue such as bones, teeth, skin and tendons. Please note the above statements are as stated on the packaging.

ANMOL Karela Bittergourd Juice (dilute) 12x480ml

Karela/ Bitter Gourd (Momordica Charantia) is traditionally used for the following: - to help reduce and control blood glucose level. - to help purify the blood (detoxification). - to help reduce blood pressure. - to help maintain healthy liver function. This product does not contain any added sugar, preservatives or artificial colouring.

ANMOL Tulsi Juice (dilute) 12x480ml

Holy basil known as Tulsi earns its scientific name as ‘Ocimum Sanctum’. Tulsi is one of the traditional Indian herbs that have been rigorously in use since the ancient periods. This short herb has innumerable antibacterial and anti-microbial properties due to which it could offer relief in some grave body troubles. The ancient Indians used to eat the leaves of Holy Basil, and this was said to impart a whole lot of immunity to their body. It was even believed that Holy Basil could act miraculously in curing the most terrible disorders which relate to infections in the human body.